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Selection Sort Algorithm in Java and Python

The next definition is from Wikipedia: "In computer science, a Selection sort is a sorting algorithm , specifically an in-place comparison sort. It has O(n 2 ) time complexity, making it inefficient on large lists, and generally performs worse than the similar insertion sort. Selection sort is noted for its simplicity, and also has performance advantages over more complicated algorithms in certain situations, particularly where auxiliary memory is limited." It mentions also they are variants of this algorithm: heapsort, cocktail sort, bingo sort. Also there is a table where n is the number of records to be sorted. The columns "Average" and "Worst" give the time complexity in each case. Name Best Average Worst Selection sort Now, here the code in Java (take in account that I will implement the same interface and use the same tool class and it was defined in Insertion Sort Algorithm ). package melg.algorithms.sorting; /** * @aut...
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Insertion Sort Algorithm in Java and Python

I've started to study more about algorithms. I think that it will be an excellent challenge and great experience. I found this course in MIT Open CourseWare website :  " Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) " , and I'm studying from this resource and also I've bought the related book to this course. Well, I'm going to post entries related to algorithms in Java, Groovy and Python language (my new lovers :) ). For Java coding I'm going to create an interface to be implemented for all my algorithm classes. package melg.algorithms.sorting; public interface ISorting { long[] makeSorting(long[] array, boolean debug); String getStats(); } Also I'll use this tool class, in order to be used for debugging purpose: package melg.algorithms.sorting; public class SortUtilAlgorithm { /** * Prints in the console the items of the array object * * @param array * the array object. */ public static void showArray(long[] array) ...

My first serious Groovy class ..... decompiling java classes with closures

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WebDynpro for Java: Tutorial of the Basic Usage of RoadMap Component

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How to .. Integration Non-SAP J2EE-based Web Applications into SAP Portal with SSO Part 2

After we have configured our portal object, we must install the gateway application and modified the target application. 1. Deployment of the Gateway Web J2EE Application : We must to create an j2ee web application with the purpose to be a gateway from every application that want to validate the SAP Ticket Logon. I have created this application because of the problem with the sapssoext library provied from SAP, it can't be loaded from more than one classloader, then this new web application will be the unque application on the server that can load this library. This application could expose 2 or more services, it depends of you. I will mention 2 services: /SsoGatewayWeb/ssojson.dtx : under this URI will happen the vaidation of the SAP Ticket Logon sent by the SAP Portal, it returns a JSON string with the information retrieved from the ticket. /SsoGatewayWeb/sendsso2cookietest : this URI generates HTML content, it generates the string ACL of the certificate file. Both only acc...

How to .. Integration Non-SAP J2EE-based Web Applications into SAP Portal with SSO Part 1

We are going to integrate Non-SAP J2EE-based Web Applications into the SAP Portal with Application Integrator and SSO. In this part, I will discuss the overall of these posts and configure the iView with Application Integrator Overview of Integration. To perform this integration must take into account the following steps: Deployment of the portal application for the creation of the system portal object Create and set the type of Application Integrator iView that will contain the applications to integrate. Installing SAPSSOEXT and SAPSECU libraries Deployment of the application gateway called SsoGatewayWeb Changing the target application. This integration has the following restrictions: It applies only for web applications based on J2EE Servlet. Depend exclusively on the sucessful load of the libraries supported by SAP (sapssoext and sapsecu) in both Windows and UNIX environments. The target application must have created a profile for the user id logged to the SAP portal, this sh...

Show the user data of every response for the current Quick Poll in the campaign in a Flex Client, 3rd part

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