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Showing posts from 2011

My first serious Groovy class ..... decompiling java classes with closures

After I read the chapter 6 "closures" of the book Groovy and Grails Recipe, and I decided to use the power of closures of Groovy for resource (files) with other problem that I had, decompile in one step every class of jar library. Well, the purpose of this class is call an external java decompiler (jad) from a Groovy class and execute the command into directory where the jar file was decompressed. And by using the power of closures executes recursively into this directory until find the classes. Well, no more words, here the class package demo class Executor { // directory where the library(jar) was decompressed def path /** * Execute the decompilation of the classes into the directory defined in the path * @return */ def decompileClasses(){ def directory = new File(path) //make use of closures defined in the Object class directory.eachFileRecurse { def name = it.absolutePath //if the current resource hasn't a .class extension continues with...

WebDynpro for Java: Tutorial of the Basic Usage of RoadMap Component

We will create a local Development component project of the type Web Dynpro as follow Our project will contain only 3 views with the purpose of show the basic usage of the roadMap object. After, we create our component controller RoadMap and the RoadMapView view as follow Now, we will create the 2 views more, the previous one will contain only the RoadMap Object (RoadMapView) used in all the project, the other ones show the flow between screens. Here the list of the 3 views: RoadMapView,  InitView, and ConfirmView. Now, we will add the component RoadMap object (it is on the Standar Complex Group) to the RoadMapView view, but first delete the default object added to the view, after we will need to add two steps (it could be more, depends of your logic) to our roadmap object. In order to do that we will use the Outline view of the NWDS. We add the two steps as follow The type steps to add at the RoadMap object will be ot the "RoadMapStep" type. The name of the steps are: Init...