After we have configured our portal object, we must install the gateway application and modified the target application.
1. Deployment of the Gateway Web J2EE Application:
We must to create an j2ee web application with the purpose to be a gateway from every application that want to validate the SAP Ticket Logon. I have created this application because of the problem with the sapssoext library provied from SAP, it can't be loaded from more than one classloader, then this new web application will be the unque application on the server that can load this library.
This application could expose 2 or more services, it depends of you. I will mention 2 services:
- /SsoGatewayWeb/ssojson.dtx : under this URI will happen the vaidation of the SAP Ticket Logon sent by the SAP Portal, it returns a JSON string with the information retrieved from the ticket.
- /SsoGatewayWeb/sendsso2cookietest : this URI generates HTML content, it generates the string ACL of the certificate file.
Both only accept calls from HTTP POST method
The source code of the application can download from here. This application was developed with Spring MVC 2.0.8 and Json-Lib. Also it uses servelet technology.
This project also exports a client library that should be used for projects to integrate, this is called myssoext.jar.
Note: To test the latter URI(/SsoGatewayWeb/sendsso2cookietest ), an iView must be created as we seen in the first part of this blog, the only difference is that when you edit the iView should get in the attribute "URL Template" will have to go as follow:
<System.protocol>: / / <System.server>: <System.port>
<System.uri>? <Authentication> & X509 = /my_path/on/destination_server/verify.pse
Where x509 is the name of the parameter, by example, here is a file
system path of the Unix platform. Another point to mention is that the file to test must be test into the SAP Portal that generated it, namely whether
the file "verify.pse" was created on myserverX portal, then the iView must be in myserverX SAP Portal.
2. Changing the Target Application
This integration involves changing
the destination of the application code. In our case is a Struts J2EE web
applications using Spring Framework and Strut Framework.
This will import the library "myssoext.jar". Which contains the following claes and interfaces:
Based as it is developed the target applicaton is able to identify the URL to
which you pass the SAP Logon Ticket, and this is where it performs
the authentication of the application, the uri is:
It will be directed by URI org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet class
of Struts Framework, and what direction, according to the
struts-config.xml file, I have modified my customized class.
I haved followed the next steps to fit my application with the gateway web application.
1. Within base web.xml file, i have added a filter, i have used it for
verification, it implements the interface
method "isValidateMySapSsoTicket", once implemented, should be called
before any sentence in the filter class. This will validate the existence of the parameter
"MYSAPSSO2" in the received implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface.
If successful, will put two variables in session:
IlogonConstants.TICKET_SESSION: it defines that the SAP Logon Ticket, in the request, was read and achieved successfully
IlogonConstants.PORTAL_USER: attachment containing the user in the SAP
Logon Ticket, this should be the id of the user logged into the SAP
Portal and will be used for validation against the target application.
Both constants are in the package "com.mysap.sso" within the library above.
For this case must include the following libraries and their dependencies.
a. Json-lib, in its version 2.2.3 (json-lib-2.2.3-jdk13.jar) and its dependencies
1.Jakarta commons-lang 2.4
2.Jakarta commons-beanutils 1.7.0 or higher
3.Jakarta commons-collections 3.2
4.Jakarta commons-logging 1.1.1
5.Ezmorph 1.0.6
b.Jakarta Commons Http Client in version 3.1 (HTTPClient-commons-3.1.jar) and its dependencies
1.Jakarta commons-codec 1.3.
2.Jakarta commons-logging 1.1.1
2. After, we need to modify the customized struts action class. The most important
thing here is to validate the presence of 2 previous variables in the scope
"session" and executes the log-in of the user into the target application.
3. I have modified the application-context file of the spring framework to inject the HttpClient class.
<bean name = "httpClient" class =
<property name="strUri" value="${sso2ticket.verifier.uri}"/>
<property name="strScheme" value=
"${sso2ticket.authentication.scheme}" />
<property name="strCharacterEncoding" value =
"${sso2ticket.url.character.encoding}" />
the propertyConfigurer bean.
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">
4.We need to add at the root of the classpath. It contains the following lines :
sso2ticket.url.character.encoding = UTF-8
sso2ticket.authentication.scheme = basicauthentication
sso2ticket.verifier.uri = /SsoGatewayWeb/ssojson.dtx
the variable sso2ticket.verifier.uri contains the URI of the gateway application that validate the SAP Logon Ticket.
the variable sso2ticket.authentication.scheme is used by the UME API.
the variable sso2ticket.url.character.encoding is used to create the cookie.
Note. The most important in the code is after you have retrieved the user from the JSON string in the target application we must authenticate with the UME API like that:
Subject objSubject = UMFactory.getLogonAuthenticator().logon(request, response, strSchemeAux);
This code line allows to bypass the default login screen.
You can download here the java code with the mentioned previous code.
I hope than you can find useful the information on this blog.
Bye, see you later.
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